Initial Ideas & Development
A great idea and this idea needs to be SMART
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable, agreed upon, achieable, acceptable
R - Relevant, reasonable, realistic
T - Time-bound, time-bound, timely
2. SMART project Idea
For this project I will create a stationery design for kids. I plan to make a stationery package design with children's graffiti. children scribble on walls, their toys, and anywhere in the house. I want to make the graffiti with their statement. Such as your notebook, sketchbook, pencil cases, and pencil.
I did research to make sure the idea was actually be achieved. In reality, the design is difficult because it has so many different forms and shape and size. So, I will create a pattern. It will be designed with their graffiti. I plan to make children's graffiti into anything such as wrapping paper, fabric. I will use Adobe Photoshop and Illustration to show the image of the products. This project will be completed in three weeks and the final Design boards or website will contain floor plans, software, design concept etc.
Generally speaking, stationery design refers to several elements like paper, office supplies, business cards etc. that make up the branding of the company. What is the aim of your project? Who are you creating this for and how will it be used? This needs to be discussed more in-depth. In your SMART objective do not just state that you have done the research. You need to discuss the research on your blog with critical commentary and analysis in relation to your own project. You also say your design boards will contain floor plans. This makes no sense as you are doing a digital design project. This needs some clarification. Your design boards could include elements such as typography, colour palette, mock-up of the design etc.