Sunday, 5 April 2020

Packaging design_Target market research

Target market

Target marketing means marketing for consumers or users of a product.

I think it is the most important to know these tow points.

Firstly, Who are your target costumers?
For example, target marketing depends on men or women, age and also occupation.
Therefore, we have to think about where and what category the target belong to in there.

Secondly, Why this costumer choose and find this product?
We need to consider why consumers choose a product and design the package

If you do not consider these points, it is difficult to succeed in marketing of your product.

1 comment:

  1. You have really briefly explained what target market is here, but you should discuss target market in relation to your own project. You need to include more research on this with statistics and commentary as to how you will reach out and attract to your target market. How have other designers with a similar target market done this? Have a look at your 'competitors' and include critical analysis to inform your own work.
